Willemijn Bouman
visual artist

Series paintings/frottages (rubbing) based on the inscriptions of the Hittite rock TOPADA in Turkey

'Kings and Piramid', acrylic / frottage on cardboard, 2014, 100 - 120 cm

'Floating', acrylic / frottage on cardboard, 2014, 100 - 120 cm

'Floating', detail

'A Stone', acrylic / frottage on cardboard, 2014, 100 - 120 cm

'Rainstone', acrylic / frottage on cardboard, 2014, 100 - 120 cm

'Carpet Stone', acrylic / frottage on cardboard, 2014, 100 - 120 cm

'Stone Horse', acrylic / frottage on cardboard, 2014, 120 - 100 cm

'Stone Snake', acrylic / frottage on cardboard, 2014, 100 - 120 cm

Expositie in Pand 3


list of prices