Willemijn Bouman
visual artist

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'Turkish wedding I'
2001, drawing/mixed media on paper, 140 - 100 cm

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This is the first drawing out of a series of 10 drawings, which I made of the wedding of an 14 year old Turkish girl.
These drawings are based on a photographic report of the arranged marriage of my neighbors daughter, who lives in the same farmer village where I have my house and studio. Because the contact with the neighbors is good, I obtained these photographes, made by them on the marriage day and party. Some of the –considered by them– failured images are the startingpoint for my drawings.
These series have a certain and particular figurativaty, and are also the translation of the athmosphere of the opressing cultural moral, that settles in my opinion, basic important human choices.
The very dark and severe athmosphere in the art-pieces express my implicitely given comments, on some moral aspects of the Turkish culture and performs in all the drawings my methaphoricaly ment translation of the moral and mental pressure that is exerted on people that are as close to me as my friends.